Thursday, November 02, 2006

Basic Lawn Care 101

Each day we learn something new, today I learned about what has been taking over my back lawn for the past year and a half. Slowly I noticed the grass looking worse and thought maybe it was disease, the mushrooms, a bad batch, bluh, bluh, bluh. So I asked one of Todd' friends what he puts on his lawn, we began talking and he looked at my grass and said he thought it was insects. I looked in my little Scott's lawn guide I picked up at Home Depot, made a call to Clemson Ext, and dug up a square foot of grass. Well as soon as I lifted the corner to flip back my sod there they were, the lawn thirsty insects chowing down on my roots. I grabbed a chunk of them before they tried to take off. Me and the kids identified these little monsters in our guide and made another call the Clemson Ext. GRUBS!!!! Yes something as simple as Grubs destroyed about 30% of my rear sod.
Tyler was fascinated by all these bugs we dug up and asked if we could keep them as PETS. He could not believe it when I said I had to make a trip to Woodley's to buy something to put down on the entire lawn to kill all of them. What a sweet kid to care that I did not destroy these things. He really has a big heart. Megan on the other hand walked up and stepped on them when Tyler was not looking. 2 down, a yard full to go!!

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