Thursday, November 04, 2010

Such a Cold, Wet Day

So the rain came down, down, down......  Normally we really do not get much rain at all but this year we have had a nice amount of rainfall.  I recall in my younger days how much I didn't really like the rain but now as a busy adult my views have changed. I have come to enjoy how peaceful the rain is.  It's as if we are given permission to just slow down.  I have learned that it means baseball is canceled and mom gets the night off. It means that it's okay to just keep those overdue library books one extra day because the library gains that little late fee bonus.
It means it's okay to have hot cocoa at noon and stay in your PJ's all day if you want to. It means also when the rain slows there's a wonderful nature walk to be had. It means lots of wildlife will be coming out to play. It means the air will smell so fresh and clean. It means the flowers I forgot to water will live to fight another day. It means I do not have to worry about spraying the pollen off the car. It means the grass will be greener. It means the water bill will be cheaper.  All how I have grown to really Love the rain!!!!

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